Stretch wrapping machine can dramatically improve the work efficiency and reduce the costs of the stretch film and lower risks of product damage. Also they can help to avoid the body injuries when wrapping pallets manually. But as a part of the machines, the safety is always a critical part for the wrapping machines. In today’s article, we will give you suggestions of installing and maintaining the semi-automatic pallet wrapper machine.

pallet packer
For wrapping pallet with stretch film, pre-stretched before wrapping

Instructions Reading:

Before the installation, you should read the manual of the machine and the reference of document and videos of this machine. Please let your certificated technicians to contact with the manufacturer and follow all the safety recommendation when installing the stretch wrapping machine.

Even Ground For Installation:

The pallet wrapper machine requires the solid and even floor for installation. The uneven and soft surface will have the potential risks of tipping which could even more dangerous when the machine is in operation. So to avoid such risks and injuries to the operators we should choose to locate the machine in a safe and solid place.

Move Carefully:

During the installation of the pallet stretch wrapping machine we might need to move the equipment by using forklift or other tools. Please choose the right tool for the operation such as the forklift should have the enough capacity to prevent the tipping when carry the load. Also, we need to avoid the sliding or pushing during the movement as these kind of actions may lead to a serious injury.


Before your operators even go about installing the machine, they should be trained on how to operate it. Without a firm grasp on the ins and outs of the stretch wrapper, they may make a critical mistake. Everyone should go through the proper safety training. An understanding of best practices will not only make its installation simpler, but it will also allow for a smooth operation. Do not let your resources confuse your employees. Make sure everyone is on the same page.

Operators of this machine should be trained and has a firm grasp of the pallet stretch wrapper. Every worker should have a certain understanding and good knowledge of the stretch wrapping machine to make sure that the operation is always smooth and safe.

Proper Lighting Matters:

Because of the machine is using photoelectricity to detect the cargo and make the machine in good motion, so the lighting is important. Under the bright light the machine may have problems with poor signals and malfunction which is dangerous to the operators.

Extension Cords Are Not Suggested:

Extension cords are often used when the distance between the outlet is far from the machine. But it increased the possibility of getting electrocuted. So it’s important to prepare a cable that is long enough for your pallet wrapper to avoid the use of extension cords.

Keep The Environment Clean With No Smoke and Dust:

Although it’s impossible to separate the pallet stretch wrapping machine from dust and smoke entirely, but we should do our best to place the pallet wrapper in a clean and well ventilated area, just to ensure the machine’s function and performance.

Build Up Safety Guard:

Keeping the operators and other workers away from the pallet stretch wrapping machine with a safe distance is important. So the installation of fence and guard rails and warning signs are important and we should make everyone on the plant knows the importance of these barriers.

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